
Region Västernorrlands transports comprise of business travel, medicare travel, internal goods transports and procured transports. In addition, Region Västernorrland is the largest provider of public transport in the county with responsibility for the regional public transport between municipalities and other counties. This also embraces regional rail commuter services.

Within the framework of the joint project More Efficient Transports that got underway in 2009, things are progressing towards green and climate-adapted transports. Business travel and medicare travel by own car in 2009 gave rise to 1,300 and 1,350 tonnes of carbon dioxide respectively. Added to this are ambulance transports and goods transports.

Vision 2024

Region Västernorrland will have a sustainable communications system with smart logistic solutions and developed distance meeting technology. It will also use renewable fuel in all transport.

Goals 2019

  • The impact on the climate from business travel will have decreased by 30 per cent compared to 2013.
  • The impact on the climate from medicare travel will have decreased by 30 per cent compared to 2013.
  • Private cars and light goods vehicles must be green vehicles1 and be driven using at least 85 per cent renewable fuels. The requirements in the current version of the “Ordinance (2009:1) concerning environmental and traffic safety requirements for authority vehicles and journeys” will be applied throughout the entire programme period.
  • Sustainable business travel by foot, bicycle and public transport will increase in order to achieve positive effects from a health and environmental perspective.
  • The suppliers of transport services will report the impact on the climate from transport that relates to Region Västernorrland.
  • The environmental and climate impact from public transport will be reduced as a result of the environmental requirements in Swedish public transport’s current environmental programme being used in conjunction with procurement. At least 90 percent of public transport in Västernorrland will take place using renewable fuels.

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