Health Choice Västernorrland
In 2010, primary health care introduced a nationwide health choice system. The law reinforces your right as a citizen to choose a health centre.
It also stipulates that health centres may be run by independent health care service providers under the management of local councils subject to fulfilling certain requirements. In our county, we call it Health Choice Västernorrland.
You choose a medical centre
Health Choice gives you the opportunity of choosing the health centre you would prefer to register with. You have a choice between health centres that fulfil the right requirements and are part of Health Choice Västernorrland. These can either be run by your local council or independent health care service providers.
Happy where you are? Then do nothing!
If you are happy with the health centre that you are currently registered with then you do not have to do anything. If you do not choose a specific health centre, then you will automatically be registered with a health centre near your home. Everyone will be able to register with the health centre of their choice and can change health centre whenever they want.
Your choice is important
Health Choice Västernorrland gives you a unique opportunity to influence the national health service as health centres are made to compete for patients and subsequently, any financial compensation paid out by their local council. Your needs and requirements are therefore of vital importance. However, you can easily change health centre if you are not satisfied with your initial choice.