Democratic control
Region Västernorrland is a democratically controlled organisation which you as a citizen of the county are able to influence. We are proud to say that we work to serve you.
It is important to us that citizens should be involved in county council matters. You must be able to find information and feel that your views are considered. Region Västernorrland web site can help you understand and gain insight into the work of the Region Västernorrland.
Via the web site you can send questions to the county councillors and read audit reports, documents received and minutes of council meetings.
Municipal self-government
Municipal self-government means that decisions should be made as close to the residents as possible.
Both municipalities and county councils have to obey the Local Government Act, which contains rules for what county councils must be responsible for, such as health and medical care.
Every county council is free to decide how to perform its duties, and how resources are allocated. The county council also decides the level of county council tax.
Open government
The principle of public access (offentlighetsprincipen) gives you the right to read all documents written or received by Region Västernorrland with the exception of confidential documents such as medical records and purely internal working documents.
You can read more about the exceptions from the principle of public access in the Public Access to Information and Secrecy Act.